Bid Express® Digital ID Policy

Info Tech Digital ID™is for use with the Bid Express®ii service at are specific to the individual Holder, and not to the agency or agencies to which the Holder intends to bid. The same Digital ID may be used to bid on any solicitation posted by any agency on the Bid Express service at

1. Info Tech, Inc., DBA Infotech Digital ID Subscriber Policy

By accepting and using an Info Tech Digital ID, you, as a Subscriber or Holder, represent to Infotech and to parties relying on your use of the Digital ID with Infotech products and services that you will:

  • Not compromise the integrity or security of the Digital ID; for instance: sharing passwords, storing backup copies of keys insecurely, or permitting use of the Digital ID by anyone other than yourself.
  • Provide accurate and complete information when communicating with Infotech.
  • Confirm the accuracy of the information associated with the Digital ID before using the Digital ID.
  • Promptly cease using the Digital ID and notify Infotech if (i) any information that was submitted to Infotech or is included in a Digital ID changes or becomes misleading; or (ii) there is any actual or suspected misuse or compromise of the Private Key associated with the Digital ID.
  • Use the Digital ID only for authorized and legal purposes, consistent with the Digital ID purpose, these policies, and any other associated policies and agreements.
  • Promptly cease using the Digital ID and related private key after Digital ID expiration, if any applies.

2. Application and Activation Policies

No Digital ID shall be approved and/or activated except upon completion of any necessary internal review required by policy. Manual review and activation procedures by Infotech shall be performed during normal business hours only. Infotech makes no guarantees whatsoever on any processing times for Digital ID applications or activation requests.

Infotech shall not be responsible for any Digital ID applicant’s failure to provide complete and correct application information in the specified manner and format, or failure to submit application information to Infotech prior to the need of the applicant to use the Digital ID for any purpose, including internet bidding, without sufficient time allotted for all internal reviews of the application. Infotech shall not be responsible for any delays or technical difficulties experienced by Holders or Subscribers that are a result of circumstances outside of Infotech’s control.

Infotech recommends that applicants submit all requests for Digital ID approval and activation not less than seven days in advance of the anticipated need to use the Digital ID. Infotech recommends that Holders, once the Holder’s Digital ID has been activated and approved, test the functionality of the Digital ID well in advance of the need to use the Digital ID, in the event that technical troubleshooting is necessary.

2.1 Application Policies in Detail

An Info Tech Digital ID is required for electronic bid submission via the website. Applications for Digital IDs for bidding via the Bid Express Services at may be initiated by the applicant after the applicant has established a user account for the Bid Express Service. As part of the application process, the user must have access to the email address associated with the account, as a security code will be sent as part of the application. Once the code is entered, the Holder will need to upload a clear and current picture of a state-issued identification form such as a driver’s license, and they must enter their name to match exactly the name that appears on the identification form and in legal order. Lastly, the applicant must enter a phone number for the purpose of the verbal verification. A member of the Bid Express team will call the applicant if the information provided is correct to verify identity. If the verbal verification is completed, the ID is then activated and it must be installed to be used for internet bidding.

2.2 Processing, Approval, and Activation

Digital ID applications are processed manually by Infotech personnel, and, in general, are done so in the order they are received. Depending on volume, processing time may exceed two business days. Please plan accordingly. If an application is correct and complete, Infotech will call the applicant to verify the information provided. Once the information is verified, Infotech shall approve and activate the Digital ID for use. The applicant shall be notified via email of the approval and activation. Once activated, the Digital ID must be installed on the same device and browser on which it was created before being used to bid electronically via the Bid Express Service at

Applications that are received for processing but are not complete or correct will be rejected. Applicants will be notified of the rejection via an automated email which will explain what steps must be taken to correct the deficiencies in the application. Applications will expire in 30 days. If an application is not approved within the 30-day period, the application is automatically rejected and a new Digital ID and application must be created by the Holder.

Digital IDs expire every two years. You will get a notice when your ID needs to be renewed. If you renew your ID before the expiration date, you won’t have to provide your identity or get a phone call. If your ID expires, you will have to create a new Digital ID and go through the application process again.

3. Replacement Policy

For security reasons, Infotech does not retain backups of Holder Digital ID private keys. If a Digital ID is lost, corrupted, or expired, the Digital ID Holder will need to renew their Digital ID and submit the application to the Infotech team for processing. The application for the renewed Digital ID will be processed as detailed in the Processing, Approval and Activation section. The circumstances causing the need to obtain a new Digital ID may require immediate and urgent action; however, all limitations on liability identified in the above Application and Activation Policies apply to the Digital ID process. Holders are advised to contact Customer Support as soon as possible for assistance. New Digital IDs are not functional until they have been reviewed, processed, and approved by Infotech.

4. Deactivation Policies

Infotech may deactivate any Digital ID at any time and without notice to the Holder if Infotech determines, in its sole discretion, that the Digital ID has been compromised; has been used or will be used for fraudulent, deceitful, or otherwise unlawful purposes; or may harm, compromise, or otherwise interfere with the operation of Infotech systems or services, or the systems or services of an Infotech business partner, or any other entity. Infotech may or may not notify the Holder of the deactivation via email, telephone, or other means. Infotech shall bear no responsibility to any party resulting from the deactivation of a Digital ID, including circumstances which prevent a Holder from bidding electronically, if Infotech has deactivated the Digital ID in good faith and for any of the reasons listed in this paragraph.

4.1 Deactivation by Holder

Should a Holder wish to deactivate his or her Info Tech Digital ID, he or she can contact Customer Support during normal business hours for specific assistance regarding any request to deactivate a Digital ID for use directly on the website.

5. Definitions

Activated (Digital ID): an activated Digital ID is a Digital ID that has been approved for use after the application, verification, and installation. A Digital ID cannot be used in any way until it has been activated by Infotech.

Agency: for the purposes of this policy, an agency is any party that accepts bids electronically via the Bid Express Service(s) or that manages contracts via the Doc Express Service (not as a vendor or contractor).

Applicant: an applicant is someone that has applied for a Digital ID that has not yet been activated.

Approved (Digital ID): an approved Digital ID is a Digital ID that meets all application or registration requirements and has been processed or verified by Infotech, but has not yet been activated by the Holder.

Bid Express Service (Infotech Bid Express Service): web-based service(s), located at, used by agencies to advertise solicitations and to receive bids electronically from vendors.

Deactivate or Deactivated (Digital ID): a deactivated Digital ID is a Digital ID which was formerly activated, but can no longer be used. A Digital ID may be deactivated by request or by policy. Once deactivated, a Digital ID may never be re-activated, and can only be replaced by a new Digital ID.

Digital ID (Info Tech Digital ID): electronic credentials used for encryption, digital signatures, and/or bid submission by users of Infotech services, such as the Doc Express or Bid Express Services.

Holder (Digital ID): a Digital ID Holder is someone that has been issued an activated Digital ID. A Digital ID Holder may also be referred to as a Subscriber, if the Holder has subscribed to any Infotech subscription services.

Proposal: for the purposes of this policy, a proposal is any item posted by an agency to the Bid Express Service(s) for which the agency is soliciting responses from vendors. Proposals also include “solicitations,” “RFPs,” “RFIs,” and the like.

Subscriber (Digital ID): for the purposes of this policy, a Subscriber is a Digital ID Holder that has been issued an Info Tech Digital ID for use in conjunction with a Bid Express subscription service or the Infotech Doc Express Service. A Subscriber is also a Holder for the purposes of this policy, where applicable.

Vendor: for the purposes of this policy, a vendor is a party that has an approved business relationship with an agency. A “bidder” or “contractor” (except a “contractor” acting as an agent of an agency) is a vendor for the purposes of this policy.

iDigital ID is a trademark of Info Tech, Inc.

iiBid Express is a registered trademark of Info Tech, Inc.