Challenge: As the County Engineer in Hancock County, Ohio, Douglas Cade and his team of inspectors are responsible for county roads, bridges, drainage and daily inspections of new subdivision developments. With paper processes, Cade faced a number of challenges – from a staff spread too thin to a lack of quick access to vital project data.
Solution: Appia® – Infotech’s leading solution for construction administration and inspection. With Appia’s daily reporting functionality and real-time access to project data, Hancock County inspectors can stay in the field longer and report instantly back to Cade, where he can quickly step in when problems arise.
For inspectors balancing multiple jobs, there’s nothing quite like real-time access.
“A lot of times, especially in my 20+ year career, we wouldn’t see our inspectors for a week.”
For Douglas Cade, that’s a problem. When you’re responsible for everything from road resurfacing to daily subdivision inspections, keeping a tight schedule relies on the speed of information transfer. With Hancock County’s previous paper processes, an inspector spread across 10 jobs simply wouldn’t have time to return to the office after every job and log reports. Important information wouldn’t reach Cade’s hands until the end of the week when inspectors came to the county office to turn in paperwork and timesheets. That process may work when projects are running smoothly, but any issues that arise would have a delayed response. And as anyone that works in construction knows too well, delays cause further delays.